Matching Heading (nối tiêu đề) vốn được coi là dạng câu hỏi khó nhằn trong các bài IELTS Reading. Trong bài viết này, Smartcom English sẽ gợi ý giúp bạn tối ưu thời gian và điểm số qua 2 cách làm bài Matching Heading trong IELTS chính xác nhất nhé.
Dạng câu hỏi Matching Heading nhằm giúp kiểm tra khả năng nắm bắt nội dung chính của các đoạn văn trong bài đọc. Đề thi sẽ cho trước một list các câu tiêu đề và nhiệm vụ của thí sinh là quyết định xem câu tiêu đề đó ứng với đoạn văn nào. Tất nhiên, số lượng câu tiêu đề sẽ nhiều hơn số đoạn văn trong bài.
Format dạng đề
Thông thường, nhiều thí sinh không thích dạng câu hỏi này là bởi:
Dù không phải là một dạng bài quá phức tạp nhưng nếu không có một chiến thuật làm bài và kỹ năng hợp lý, thí sinh sẽ rất dễ bị mất thời gian mà vẫn bị đánh lừa với những câu hỏi này. Dưới đây là hai cách làm bài Matching Heading mà các bạn có thể tham khảo.
Đây được coi là một cách làm phổ biến. Đã được nhiều thí sinh áp dụng và đem lại hiệu quả.
Bước 1: Đọc Và Tóm Tắt Ý Chính Của Từng Đoạn
Đọc kỹ từng đoạn để hiểu rõ nội dung bao quát của đoạn văn. Chú ý vào câu đầu và cuối đoạn.
Ví dụ: While emissions from new cars are far less harmful than they used to be, city streets and motorways are becoming more crowded than ever, often with older trucks, buses and taxis, which emit excessive levels of smoke and fumes. This concentration of vehicles makes air quality in urban areas unpleasant and sometimes dangerous to breathe. Even Moscow has joined the list of capitals afflicted by congestion and traffic fumes. In Mexico City, vehicle pollution is a major health hazard.
→ Tóm tắt: Chất lượng không khí ở các khu vực đô thị đang trở nên tồi tệ do sự gia tăng kẹt xe và sự hiện diện của các phương tiện cũ, dẫn đến những nguy cơ lớn đối với sức khỏe.
Bước 2: Nghĩ Đến Một Tiêu Đề Hợp Lý Cho Đoạn
Tiêu đề chính là phần ý chính mình đã tóm tắt ở bước trên. Ví dụ: Tiêu đề phù hợp là “Ảnh hưởng tới sức khỏe do sự gia tăng phương tiện”.
Bước 3: Đọc Các Tiêu Đề Có Trong Đề Bài
Ở bước này áp dụng tip: Loại Đáp Án Sai, Thay Vì Chọn Đáp Án Đúng.
Loại như thế nào?
Dựa vào thông tin đã tóm tắt, so sánh và đối chiếu với các từ khóa gạch chân ở các headings. Loại các heading không chứa từ khóa hoặc không liên quan. Sau khi loại lần 1, nếu còn lại 1 đáp án là chọn ngay đáp án đó. Nếu còn 2-3 headings thì chọn heading phù hợp nhất.
Hãy cùng thử áp dụng những chiến thuật trên vào bài tập dưới đây nhé!
William Gilbert and Magnetism
The 16th and 17th centuries saw two great pioneers of modern science: Galileo and Gilbert. The impact of their findings is eminent. Gilbert was the first modern scientist, also the accredited father of the science of electricity and magnetism, an Englishman of learning and a physician at the court of Elizabeth. Prior to him, all that was known of electricity and magnetism was what the ancients knew, nothing more than that the lodestone possessed magnetic properties and that amber and jet, when rubbed, would attract bits of paper or other substances of small specific gravity. However, he is less well known than he deserves.
Gilbert’s birth pre-dated Galileo. Born in an eminent local family in Colchester County in the UK, on May 24, 1544, he went to grammar school, and then studied medicine at St John’s College, Cambridge, graduating in 1573. Later he travelled in the continent and eventually settled down in London.
He was a very successful and eminent doctor. All this culminated in his election to the president of the Royal Science Society. He was also appointed personal physician to the Queen (Elizabeth I), and later knighted by the Queen. He faithfully served her until her death. However, he didn’t outlive the Queen for long and died on November 30, 1603, only a few months after his appointment as personal physician to King James.
Gilbert was first interested in chemistry but later changed his focus due to the large portion of mysticism of alchemy involved (such as the transmutation of metal). He gradually developed his interest in physics after the great minds of the ancient, particularly about the knowledge the ancient Greeks had about lodestones, strange minerals with the power to attract iron. In the meantime, Britain became a major seafaring nation in 1588 when the Spanish Armada was defeated, opening the way to British settlement of America. British ships depended on the magnetic compass, yet no one understood why it worked. Did the Pole Star attract it, as Columbus once speculated; or was there a magnetic mountain at the pole, as described in Odyssey, which ships would never approach, because the sailors thought its pull would yank out all their iron nails and fittings? For nearly 20 years, William Gilbert conducted ingenious experiments to understand magnetism. His works include On the Magnet, Magnetic Bodies, and the Great Magnet of the Earth.
Gilbert’s discovery was so important to modern physics. He investigated the nature of magnetism and electricity. He even coined the word “electric”. Though the early beliefs of magnetism were also largely entangled with superstitions such as that rubbing garlic on lodestone can neutralise its magnetism, one example being that sailors even believed the smell of garlic would even interfere with the action of compass, which is why helmsmen were forbidden to eat it near a ship’s compass. Gilbert also found that metals can be magnetised by rubbing materials such as fur, plastic or the like on them. He named the ends of a magnet “north pole” and “south pole”. The magnetic poles can attract or repel, depending on polarity. In addition, however, ordinary iron is always attracted to a magnet. Though he started to study the relationship between magnetism and electricity, sadly he didn’t complete it. His research of static electricity using amber and jet only demonstrated that objects with electrical charges can work like magnets attracting small pieces of paper and stuff. It is a French guy named du Fay that discovered that there are actually two electrical charges, positive and negative.
He also questioned the traditional astronomical beliefs. Though a Copernican, he didn’t express in his quintessential beliefs whether the earth is at the centre of the universe or in orbit around the sun. However, he believed that stars are not equidistant from the earth but have their own earth-like planets orbiting around them. The earth itself is like a giant magnet, which is also why compasses always point north. They spin on an axis that is aligned with the earth’s polarity. He even likened the polarity of the magnet to the polarity of the earth and built an entire magnetic philosophy on this analogy. In his explanation, magnetism is the soul of the earth. Thus a perfectly spherical lodestone, when aligned with the earth’s poles, would wobble all by itself in 24 hours. Further, he also believed that the sun and other stars wobble just like the earth does around a crystal core, and speculated that the moon might also be a magnet caused to orbit by its magnetic attraction to the earth. This was perhaps the first proposal that a force might cause a heavenly orbit.
His research method was revolutionary in that he used experiments rather than pure logic and reasoning like the ancient Greek philosophers did. It was a new attitude towards scientific investigation. Until then, scientific experiments were not in fashion. It was because of this scientific attitude, together with his contribution to our knowledge of magnetism, that a unit of magneto motive force, also known as magnetic potential, was named Gilbert in his honour. His approach of careful observation and experimentation rather than the authoritative opinion or deductive philosophy of others had laid the very foundation for modern science.
Reading Passage 1 has seven paragraphs A-G.
Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number i-x in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.
List of Headings
iii. The development of chemistry
vii. Becoming the president of the Royal Science Society
viii. The great works of Gilbert
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