AI Enhanced Learning

Editorial Review Board Application

AI Enhanced Learning (AIEL) [ISSN 1055-8896], an open-access journal on the research and practice of Improving Learning with AI. AIEL is a new peer-reviewed journal that aims to facilitate the international exchange of information on the use of AI to inform learning and teaching across the lifespan. AIEL publishes theoretical and empirical studies on using AI to enhance learning and teaching across multiple domains, including but not limited to corporate, government, healthcare, PreK-12, and higher education.

This journal is devoted to the research, practice, and issues of using AI to enhance learning and teaching. It is designed to provide a multidisciplinary, timely forum for presenting and discussing all aspects of learning with AI in all learning environments.

AI Enhanced Learning (AIEL) is published for professors, teachers, developers, researchers, administrators, teacher educators, corporate trainers, and technology coordinators representing all disciplines and levels of education and learning.

Indexed in leading indices including: Scopus, LearnTechLib-The Learning and Technology Library, and several others.

AI Enhanced Learning aims to:

AIEL is an open-access official journal of the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Open access available LearnTechLib - The Learning & Technology Library and forthcoming new AIEL website.

Journal Publication Schedule

Call for Papers

AIEL welcomes a continues call for submissions all year of theoretical and empirical studies on the use of AI to enhance learning and teaching across a wide range of contexts, including but not limited to corporate training and workforce development, government and public sector learning initiatives, healthcare education and professional development, PreK-12 learning environments, and higher education.

Submissions should contribute original research, offer new theoretical perspectives, or provide evidence-based insights into AI’s potential to transform learning across diverse domains and populations.

Given the rapidly changing nature of AI, it would take a lot of work to provide a comprehensive list of topics for publication. However, topics for publication could include:

General Topics:

For a detailed list of specific topics, see Subtopics.

Articles on any aspect of learning and teaching with AI assistance are invited.

Contributions may include:

No Article Processing Fees


Associate Editors

Call for Editorial Review Board Members

We invite scholars, researchers, and professionals with expertise in AI, education, and interdisciplinary applications of technology in learning to join our Editorial Review Board. As a member, you will be critical in shaping the journal’s content and ensuring high-quality, impactful research publication.

Responsibilities include reviewing manuscripts, providing constructive feedback, spreading the word about the journal, and even applying for guest editorial roles for special issues of the journal. Applicants should have a record of peer-reviewed publications or relevant experience in AI and education. Each year, select reviewers will be nominated for “Outstanding Reviewer Award” and announced accordingly.

Reviewers can sign up here:

Peer Review Process

Publication Ethics


AI and Personalized Learning

AI in Assessment and Evaluation

AI in Teacher Roles and Development

AI in Educational Institutions and Administration

AI and Ethical/Privacy Concerns

AI in Special Education

AI in Cybersecurity

The Future of AI in Education

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